
Employee Engagement | Employee Experience

EngagementForward® gives your organization the employee engagement data and insights necessary to change the employee experience.

Employee engagement has an extremely positive impact on the long-term success of your organization. Highly engaged employees are more likely to stay, assist in developing others, and generally contribute to the company’s success. Therefore, it’s important to measure employee engagement and act on it. Companies who actively respond to employee feedback see significantly higher engagement scores year-over-year.

EngagementForward® helps you put the action planning where it belongs, front and center. The EngagementForward® dashboard provides your managers with a task list specific to them. Because the tasks are tracked, their progress can be directly compared to their team and the company overall. The dashboard also notifies managers of important events so deadlines can be met, and no one is lost in the process.

Managers can track the overall company progress and, more importantly, their direct reports’ progress via the dashboard. With greater transparency, your team is better able to provide real-time adjustments to tasks to meet the strategic goals related to the employee experience.

The EngagementForward® Dashboard

EngagementForward® is part of the comprehensive approach we take at SOLVE.

EngagementForward® is more than just planning assistance. Because data without understanding is worthless, we help digest the results. Our employee engagement analysis provides a baseline to create action plans to help clients improve upon identified problem areas.

EngagementForward® includes a set of clearly defined reports that provide clients with insight over various areas of interest, including comparisons to industry and benchmarks to some of the best places to work.

Last but not least, EngagementForward® incorporates several security features to ensure the integrity of the data. The data is confidential and anonymous. Our solution is encrypted and has role-based security and forgery detection – all designed to make sure your employee engagement results are accurate and secure.

Last but not least, EngagementForward® incorporates several security features to ensure the integrity of the data. The data is confidential and anonymous. Our solution is encrypted and even has role-based security and forgery detection. All designed to make sure your results are accurate and secure.

An example of EngagementForward® reports.