Creating a more positive and productive work environment through employee engagement.
Employee Engagement
Many researchers have explored high-performing companies and found a relationship with employee engagement. A high-performing company is one who financially outperforms their competition by more than 4x over a three-year period. Research by Willis Towers Watson1 found these companies receive particularly strong employee ratings in the areas of Inspiration, Drive, Trust, Growth, and Market Focus.
Research conducted by SOLVE indicates there are five factors to employee engagement and the experience through which employees rate your engagement efforts. The five factors are: Organization, Team, Supervisor, Role, and Pay and Benefits.1 Pay and Benefits have been well documented in research as maintenance factors regarding engagement – meaning, if basic expectations of fairness are met, there is no incremental impact on engagement. The other four factors, particularly Supervisor and Organization (i.e., executives), have a greater impact on engagement. This is because they contribute to the essential components of Inspiration, Drive, Trust, Growth, and Market Focus, the core differentiators of higher performing companies.2
These five factors reveal the importance of belonging, meaningful work, and serving a higher purpose. Also, these factors represent the foundation upon which SOLVE advises our customers. Given the high number of critical influences, enhancing the employee experience involves several solutions.
“It’s getting harder and harder to hire people. And so, we’re going to have to get very good at retaining the people we have and attracting people to come work for us.”
Josh Bersin, Employee Experience Thought Leader
SOLVE utilizes their highly specialized training to create and/or enhance exceptional cultures. In addition, SOLVE helps you select the best solution and create a path toward greater success. Our expertise in human behavior and our experience working with great work environments help you position your organization as an amazing place to work. This ensures current employees envision a bright future and potential candidates line up to be part of what you have created.
- 1 Reference SIOP presentation
- 2
No two organizations are the same so each solution is tailored to your workforce. Using our EngagementForward® solution we can help your teams work toward the same vision.
The experts at SOLVE are with you at every turn to support positive results.

Culture Change
A quick search of books on Amazon reveals more than 70,000 titles pertinent to “culture.” Organizational culture is clearly of interest to anyone who works for a company or leads employees because it is often viewed as the secret ingredient for success. Culture is the one thing competitors cannot easily copy, and the key to attracting and retaining talented people.
With all this interest in, and the proliferation of, so many theories about culture, why is it so hard to craft or to change?
At SOLVE, we view cultural change as a process that needs to account for many things within an organization. Specifically, we include systems (what’s the big picture?), strategies (what are the priorities?), and processes (how is it being executed?).
We also incorporate the intentions and behaviors of its leaders (why should we follow?). Since cultural change is about shifting the mindsets and behaviors of people, it requires an approach that is founded in psychology.

Strategic Planning
“You can’t always see the forest through the trees”. This is a saying that holds true when managing a large organization. We all can get pulled into the day-to-day and lose sight of long-term goals. This prevents us from seeing what can be done right now to ensure achievement of those goals. Good strategic planning helps navigate between the trees in order to find the path to the ultimate destination.
SOLVE helps companies clarify their unique destination and vision. Our experience in Industrial/Organizational Psychology applies data science to a companies individualized vision. In addition, we help identify how to get there with timelines and accountability.
Everybody can move together to achieve success for a company when multiple things are in place. First, your entire team shares the same vision, values and goals. Second, everybody understands how their actions and activities contribute to the achievement of those goals. Lastly, everyday decisions become incremental steps toward the achievement of your goals.

Employee Experience
In this specific type of strategic planning, clients leverage SOLVE to design a strategy for an optimal employee experience. SOLVE utilizes their highly specialized training in human resources and workforce development, along with an interactive process and sharp facilitation skills, to promote successful outcomes.
This process allows you to answer the question,
“What will it feel like to work at this company in five years?”
Through powerful brainstorming and engaging dialogue, a powerful plan to change company culture is produced. SOLVE follows up with quarterly meetings to ensure traction and group accountability.