Hiring | Leadership Assessment & Volume Assessments
The Cost of Hiring the Wrong Person
One in three people believe hiring the wrong person costs their business nothing. However, research suggests a poor hire can cost the company between 30% of a person’s first year earnings to three times a person’s annual salary. In addition to the financial impact, a poor hire can also decrease productivity, create cultural imbalance, and tarnish your company’s reputation.
From our clients:
"We use SOLVE’s assessment and leadership development consultation services to support efforts to “find the right talent for the right roles in our organization.”
CAO, Insurance
Leadership Assessments
Hiring and promotion decisions regarding leadership require great wisdom to SOLVE.
Hiring (or promoting) the right executive has a tremendous impact on an organization. According to research, high-performing executives can add millions of dollars to their company’s bottom line. However, failure rates for senior executives are increasing and the rate of CEO turnover is even higher. Our leadership selection approach includes a multiple-method, evidence-based approach. The goal is to match the candidate’s characteristics with the role and the candidate’s character to the values of the company.
Product overview
SOLVE has taken the best science and applied it to the selection process. Our approach (conducted by Executive Psychologists) typically combines:
- structured, in-depth behavioral interview
- standardized, validated, and reliable work-style and critical-thinking assessments
Our goal is to understand and measure critical success factors that lead to effective job performance. These factors include, but are not limited to, the personality characteristics of a candidate, potential “derailers” of effectiveness, and critical-thinking skills.
Our assessment approach is always customized. Each client has unique expectations and needs, and our methodology is designed to capture these themes and incorporate them into our analysis and recommendations.
Contact SOLVE to learn more about our leadership assessment process.

High Volume Assessments
Properly designed and valid assessments can improve the quality of hires and decrease turnover.
High-volume selection refers to a strategy used by organizations and/or franchise networks who hire large groups of people. For instance, this could include seasonal hiring or continuous high-volume hiring due to a consistent demand. SOLVE’s high volume assessment solution allows you to make better informed hiring decisions and be consistent in the process. Benefits of using an effective selection process include reductions in turnover, decreased hiring costs, improved efficiencies within the hiring process (and relief for overburdened recruiters), and happier, more productive employees.
How the process works:
First, we explore the future candidate’s role and what it takes for an employee to be successful. Next, we customize our tools to measure the most critical factors and key traits, which provide a prediction of someone’s likelihood of success in those key areas. The resulting report provides a snapshot of the employee’s capabilities in a simple-to-read format. Lastly, we validate this profile with performance data to ensure we’re assessing the right traits and weighting them appropriately.

Let SOLVE help you hire the right person using evidence-based solutions and proprietary technology.