Perfecting Prediction by Reducing Bias in Hiring and Promotion

Perfecting Prediction by Reducing Bias in Hiring and Promotion

Perfecting Prediction by Reducing Bias in Hiring and Promotion

By Dr. Merle Riepe, PhD
President, SOLVE

What are the best personality assessments to use to increase the accuracy of hiring and promotion decisions?

Perhaps you, like many other employers, are beginning to re-hire employees who were laid off, find new talent for a growing business, or promote associates to leadership roles that were vacated during the past few months. Or you have discovered the employees who were effective in an office setting simply are not meeting expectations in a remote setting.


What’s to come?

Many industry experts are estimating a wave of job searchers in the coming months as the extra $600 weekly COVID-related unemployment benefits end the week of July 31st. Specifically, human resource professionals anticipate their funnel of applicants will increase by a multiple of four as a result.

Are you prepared for the swell?

Are your recruiting teams appropriately staffed? Have you evaluated your screening processes to ensure expediency, clear company branding, and a positive candidate experience? Have you revised the personality characteristics that will be critical to success? In this new era, with a greater reliance on remote work, we expect greater emphasis on responsibility, ambition, pace of work, and adaptability. How are you measuring those? Are you incorporating objective data? Or simply relying on managers feelings and intuition (see common thinking errors from last month)?

Can personality assessments help?

Most of our clients use assessments to provide additional data in these critical hiring and promotion decisions. Of all the types of assessments available, personality tests have the greatest variance of quality. Unfortunately, there are few requirements (outside of EEOC regulations) that establish what can be marketed to businesses. Limited sanction begets many poor tools and reasonable frustration from consumers (employers and candidates alike).

What do I need to make a good decision?

Fortunately, our team at SOLVE has done a lot of research reviewing the most popular personality assessments, objectively rating their consistency, accuracy, and utility, and created an easy to consume report to remove the guesswork. SOLVE’s Consumer Synopsis of Personality Assessments is available for you by clicking on the link below. In this report, I share nine questions you should consider before using personality assessments as you begin rebuilding and/or growing your internal talent.

Click here for SOLVE’s Consumer Synopsis of Personality Assessments