Don’t Leave Hiring up to Chance | Omaha Magazine

Don’t Leave Hiring up to Chance | Omaha Magazine

By Dr. Merle Riepe, PhD
President, SOLVE

Hiring the right people is critical to an organization’s success. A poor hiring process can lead to increased turnover, poor work performance, decreased morale, worker compensation claims, and decreased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Hiring the right people is easier said than done. Unfortunately, bad hires are often made because people rely on their “gut“ or intuition. Perhaps the candidate wore the “right“ outfit on interview day or said the “right“ things to a series of random questions. In fact, making a selection decision based on an unstructured interview is about as predictive as flipping a coin—you may get a good hire, you may get a bad one. Who wants to leave such a critical decision up to chance?


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