Affirmative Action Planning

Equal Employment Opportunities for Everyone

Does your company have 50 or more employees or $50,000 or more in government contracts? If you answered YES to these questions – you need an AAP!


An Affirmative Action Plan is a way for an organization to evaluate their initiatives and strategies to achieve equal employment opportunities for everyone. The plan includes a statistical evaluation of the company’s workforce to show how women and minority groups are represented compared against a general representation of employees with similar skills in the comparable labor market. An Affirmative Action Plan also provides a plan for the company to correct problem areas and support the recruitment of an equal workforce.

Affirmative action laws are governed by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). It is the organization’s responsibility to know if it is required to have an Affirmative Action Plan. Plans are required when doing business with the U.S. Federal Government. It is sometimes very apparent that an Affirmative Action Plan is required (such as being listed in the terms of a contract). However, some companies may be surprised to learn that something as simple as providing food or beverages to a federal agency or military base can require an Affirmative Action Plan.

Here are a few factors that require an organization to have an AAP plan:

  • 50 or more employees and/or contracts worth $50,000 or more with the Federal Government
  • Serving as a depository of government funds in any amount (like a bank!)
  • Serving as a financial institution issuing or paying agent
  • Has receipt of goods (Bill of Lading) in any 12-month period of $50,000 or more
  • Has construction contracts with federal assistance of $10,000 or more

If an organization is required to have an Affirmative Action Plan and they do not, they may be subject to sanctions, penalties and liabilities.

But not to worry – SOLVE can help you with your Affirmative Action Plan needs! Our services include:

  • Review of EEO codes to ensure they are correct and assistance regarding OFCCP guidelines
  • Providing templates and instructions for collection of appropriate data required for your plan
  • Analyzing and reporting on company data in several areas including the makeup of your workforce, recruitment methods, and demographics
  • Preparation of Affirmative Action Plans including all required statistical reports

Navigating the world of Affirmation Action Planning is not an easy task. But not to worry – SOLVE is here to make sure you have the most up-to-date information and support you need to fulfill your federal employment requirements.